About the Hawaii Healing Sound School
Newly Released CD – Medicine Resonance
The group of 30 students from Hawaii Healing Sound School collaborated their various talents to record “Medicine Resonance,” meant to be like medicine digested through your ears. The group believes its album is the first of its kind in a new genre that could be called healing sound.
“Music is healing. Certain vibrations are cohesive with joy and optimal performance, and we’ve carefully put together an assortment of sound tracks designed to resonate with a person’s brain waves to uplift your spirit or even, going deeper, vibrate the very cells in your body to fight illness
The album, engineered and produced by Daniel Gilad, starts with a opening chant in a song called The Beginning: “An interplay of the healing sounds of sacred tones and vocals, chants in ancient languages of Hebrew, Hawaiian, Sanskrit, the primordial sounds of gong calling from the void, from the fertile dark of the night dreaming into the dawn,”
Purchase Now
Here is a brief outline of our Hawaii Healing Sound School past monthly curriculum:
- Feb: Calling Oahu Sound healings
- Mar: Setting healing intentions, sound healing theory, entrainment
- Apr: Rattles, Shamanic journeying
- May: Tuning Forks & Nada Yoga
- June: Voice & Healing Humming
- July: Gemstone Crystal Bowls
- Aug: Healing mantras and chants
- Sept: Symphonic Gongs
- Oct: Sounds of Nature
- Nov: Sacred sounds of Egypt, Peru and Cosmic Alignments
- Dec: Jingle bells and chimes
- Jan:Hawaiian chants
- Feb: Sacred Voice
- Mar: Didjeridoos
- Apr: Community singing
- May: Quantum Healing
- Jun: Raga & Indian Flute
- Jul: Take Tina
Get More Information
Find out more about the Hawaii Healing Sound School on Facebook or contact Soraya.

Didgeridoo Sound Healing Class (March 2015)

Teaching Tuning Forks Sound Healing Class (April 2014)

Soraya laying down the symphonic gong track for Hawaii Healing Sound School CD (Dec 2014)