What is Prayers for Pets?
Prayers for Pets is dedicated to Bella.
This is a free service to anyone who wishes me to pray for and send Reiki energy to their pets. .
Bella’s Story
In March 2014 our puppy Bella was diagnosed with GME (Granulomatous meningoencephalitis ). This is inflammation of the brain, that has no cure.
Bella was only 2 years old. This was devastating and unbelievable news to us. We were told that she would have 5 weeks to a year to live. Over the next 8 months, we gave Bella pretty much full time care. The disease caused her to have unexpected and uncontrollable seizures, in which we had to administer shots of valium and get her to the Veterinary Emergency Clinic immediately.
As a ‘healer’, I had many questions about why Bella had this disease, why we all had to suffer so much because of it and, of course, why it couldn’t be cured.
The only answer that ever came, was to show us how much love we were capable of giving, and that ultimately, there are unexplainable mysteries in the world that we all have to deal with. The most difficult lesson to learn was that not all diseases can be cured, no matter how much money, time, love or healing we give.
Our animal communicator did tell us it was possible that Bellas spirit could come back to us in another healthy body. We believe she did in the form our new puppy Bruno.