Auricular Acupuncture for Detox
Soraya has specialist training in 2 acupuncture associations who use auricular acupuncture as their protocol:
- National Acupuncture Detoxification Association (NADA) auricular protocol for substance abuse
- Acupuncturists Without Borders auricular protocol for treating trauma
Both of these protocols use the same 5 needle auricular points and are generally used in a group setting (community detox and community trauma situations). They are proven to be extremely effective points for stress management and detoxification. The 5 needle protocol is effective on its own, or it can be included in part of a whole body treatment.
NADA/ACU-DETOX is a simple, efficient and effective acupuncture treatment for:
- Nicotine – to stop smoking
- Food – for weightloss
- Drugs – medicinal or recreational
- PTSD – stress relief for trauma
This treatment is most effective as a series of 3 per week.
Acupuncturists Without Borders
Soraya completed the AWB training in October. In November, she was part of a team of acupuncturists who went to the Big Island of Hawaii to hold free acupuncture clinic services for the Puna residents who were dealing with the trauma of an erupting volcano.
For more information about Acupuncture Without Borders, please visit the AWB website.
Contact Soulistic Holistics
Contact Soraya at your convenience.